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poniedziałek, 7 czerwca 2021

Nubijski król w Konstantynopolu

 Pamiętacie może jeszcze Roberta de Clari który spotkał nubijskiego króla w Konstantynopolu? Było to w 1203 roku, a król wracał z pielgrzymki do Jerozolimy. Tutaj opis tego spotkania, niestety po angielsku, bo po polsku takich rzeczy nie ma w internetach za darmo i legalnie. Opis pochodzi ze “Zdobycia Konstantynopola” autorstwa samego de Clari:

And while the barons were there at the palace, a king came there whose skin was all black, and he had a cross in the middle of his forehead that had been made with a hot iron. This king was living in a very rich abbey in the city, in which the former emperor Alexios had commanded that he should be lodged and of which he was to be lord and owner as long as he wanted to stay there. When the emperor saw him coming, he rose to meet him and did great honour to him. And the emperor asked the barons: “Do you know,” said he, “who this man is?” “Not at all, sire,” said the barons. “I’faith,” said the emperor, “this is the king of Nubia, who is come on pilgrimage to this city.”

A tutaj link do strony dzięki której dotarłam do tego opisu: https://www.publicmedievalist.com/uncovering-african/


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